omni catering site alterations
Omni Catering came to Godkin Design/Build, Inc. needing design solutions for creating a storage area on their property. Having just purchased three large roll-off storage sheds to keep their wares, Omni wanted to locate them conveniently while also screening them from public view. The current solution utilizes a metal mesh screen planted with Trumpet Vine to hide the bulk of the storage sheds. The wood post and trellis structure gives the illusion of a building, while keeping costs down and providing security from the parking area for those accessing the storage area.
This project project is now permitted and ready for construction to commence.
graphic rendering - PROPOSED storage area
elevation showing proposed storage area
new floor plan
Graphic showing the proposed new storage area. The configuration of the three storage sheds maximizes access to/from the sheds while minimizing the number of existing parking spaces lost to the re-configuration.
existing floor plan
Graphic showing the existing parking area. The dashed lines represent existing parking spaces to be demolished and/or reorganized to make room for the new storage area.